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When creating a Square Kufic design, you are presented with a problem that requires a solution – specifically, adding the square in every space possible. With every added square, the number of empty spaces you have to work with gradually decreases. As such, a great deal of thought and contemplation is required in order to ensure everything fits perfectly together, fostering an eye for detail that can be both gratifying and stimulating. With time, patience and practice, the skilled artist can develop the ability to envisage the final piece before beginning, allowing them to have complete control over the finished composition.

As the piece progresses, the task of occupying the remaining squares becomes increasingly challenging as the artist strives to create a visually-appealing artwork while fulfilling their creative vision. Every finished letter restricts the shape design of the next, creating a puzzle of sorts whereby the artist must ensure each subsequent letter is equally balanced with the others. As a result, Square Kufic could be seen as both a form of art and a game of sorts, fusing together creativity, calculation, and strategy.

Square Kufic artform is an artform that requires someone with immense problem-solving skills and the ability to be resourceful and patient. When creating a piece, you must be prepared to create the problem, use minimal resources to remain efficient and then solve it without succumbing to the pressures of time-consuming tasks. Legibility, readability and connectivity must never be compromised when creating a Square Kufic piece; you must commit the necessary resources and time to ensure they are portrayed adequately.

The art form requires artists to create a puzzle-like pattern of shapes, lines, and symbols on a white canvas. The complexity of the design depends on the artist’s knowledge and creativity. Artists often use a specific type of gridwork, such as a square grid, to create the composition. The end result is a visually captivating design but it requires the artist to pay attention to detail and symmetry in order to create a balanced, attractive piece of art. The challenge of Square Kufic art is to be able to create a puzzle on a white canvas without any lines to give it a unified feel. With this art form, it is important to create a design that has a sense of flow, rather than appearing disjointed.

For the viewers, Square Kufic can be thought of as a maze in which they must follow the pathways and connect the dots to unravel the words in the piece. Each component of the art is a part of the puzzle, and when every piece is properly connected and followed through, the beauty of the work can be seen and appreciated.

Author Nedaa Elias

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