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Square Kufic is a form of Arabic calligraphy that has been widely used in various art forms such as architecture, pottery, and jewelry. One of the common criticisms of Square Kufic art is that its design is not easily readable. This has led to a debate about the importance of readability in Square Kufic art. I would like here to explore the question of whether Square Kufic must be readable or not.

There are two forms of Arabic calligraphy, decorative and communicative. Decorative calligraphy focuses on the visual form of the letters, while communicative calligraphy is intended to convey a message. Square Kufic belongs to the decorative calligraphy, which means that its primary purpose is to create an aesthetic form rather than communicate a message. Therefore, the importance of readability in Square Kufic is not as significant as it is in communicative calligraphy.

To illustrate the point further, let us consider the analogy of Gothic music and opera. Gothic music is known for its loud and powerful vocals, which often make it difficult to understand the lyrics. Similarly, opera performances are sometimes challenging to follow, even if one knows the language. Despite these challenges, Gothic music and opera are still considered to be some of the most significant genres in music and theatre. The reason is that the form of art lies not in the words themselves but in the way they are transformed into other forms of art.

Similarly, the form of art in Square Kufic lies not in the readability of the words, but in the transformation of the letters into an aesthetic design. The letters in Square Kufic are transformed into geometric shapes and patterns that create a beautiful and harmonious composition. Thus, the idea that there is a form of art in front of us is enough for us to enjoy Square Kufic art.

Despite the argument that Square Kufic art does not need to be readable, it is essential to note that accessibility is still an important aspect of any art form. For instance, opera houses often provide a libretto, which is a booklet with the lyrics and translations of a performance. This helps the audience follow the performance and understand the message. Similarly, in Square Kufic art, providing some explanation or context can help viewers appreciate the art and understand its cultural and historical significance.

Author Nedaa Elias

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