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Islamic art is defined by its religious roots and its focus on depicting sacred themes and concepts. In the early days, Islamic art was mostly utilitarian, but as time went on, artists began to strive for works that were more aesthetically pleasing. A fundamental element of Islamic art is the use of calligraphy. Some of the most iconic examples of Islamic calligraphy are those written in the Square Kufic style. Calligraphy has been used for different purposes throughout the years – some pieces were meant to be read, while others were simply decorative. Square Kufic calligraphy falls into the latter category.

This form of art was commonly used in religious and royal contexts. However, in recent years there has been a surge in the use of this form in secular and commercial settings. This has led to some debate over whether or not the form is being watered down and whether it can be used to create meaningful and significant artworks. There are those who argue that the form is still highly relevant and can be used to create beautiful and powerful artworks. They point to the fact that many modern and contemporary artists have been influenced by Square Kufic and have used it to create works that are both aesthetically pleasing and hold deep meaning. Others argue that the form is no longer relevant and that it is being used in a way that does not allow it to reach its full potential. They believe that the form is being used for commercial purposes and that it is not being used to create art that is truly significant. It is clear that there is much debate over the future of Square Kufic art. However, there is no doubt that the form is still highly influential and has the ability to create meaningful and significant artworks. In this article, I will introduce a hundred things you need to know about Square Kufic. Keep coming back here.

Square Kufic is a variation of the Kufic script, which is characterized by its use of squared and angular shapes. While traditional Kufic is written exclusively in a clockwise direction, Square Kufic can be written both clockwise and counterclockwise. This makes it a more versatile and adaptable script, which can be used for a variety of purposes. However, it is important to keep in mind the direction in which a sentence must be read when using Square Kufic. Artist need to consider the beginning of the sentence which has to be right to left or top to bottom. In some cases, such as when the sentence is short (one or two words), the direction in which it is written is less important than its decorative function.

Author Nedaa Elias

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